Friday, September 10, 2010

Living Constitution Blog 3: The Judicial Branch

1) Source:
Title: Lindsey Graham quietly files Gitmo habeas bill

2) Constitutional Connection: Article III, Section 3

3) Explanation:

       In this article it talks about how senator Lindsey Graham filed a bill on habeus corpos. This bill was very controversal due to prisoners in Guantanamo. They kept trying on tring to keep the bill from being passed. The court was trying to see if the bill should be passed because of all the controvery surrounding it. The article also talked about how everyone let Senator Graham propose the bill on his own.

   This article relates to the constitution because it has some relation to article 3. It relates to article 3 because while a bill was being proposed, since their was contravery surrounding the bill, the court stepped in to review the bill. The judges wer beside themselves and there was a willingness to sit down and discuss the status of the bill.

       In my opinion the bill that the senator proposed was sort of bad. I feel it was bad because in the article it stated that the bill tlaked about declaring war but not specifically who. I feel that it was good that the court stepped in. I feel this way because if they didn't they probably would have been even more contraversy around the issue at hand. I think the bill should not be talking about declaring war. Our contry has enough problems on its own without having to spend more money on war.

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